泊頭市建新鑄造量具有限責任公司成立于1978年6月,2004年8月改制為有限責任公司。2005年10月正式通過GB/T19001-2008 / ISO 9001:2008國際質量管理體系認證,最新認證為GB/T19001-2016 /ISO9001:2015國際質量管理體系認證,我們在生產中始終把質量放在首位。我們是華北一個久負盛名的鑄鐵平臺和鑄鐵量具的生產商,出口商。
主要產品有鑄鐵平臺平板,三維柔性焊接平臺、試驗平臺、鐵地板、三坐標測量平臺、T型槽裝配平臺、檢驗劃線平臺、 T型槽地軌,機床機械鑄件,花崗石平臺及量具等。我們的產品廣泛應用于機械制造,航空航天,汽車制造,高鐵,風電,電機,發動機制造業等等。
“我們銷售的是質量,質量是我們的生命”我們會盡全力以良好的品質,有競爭力的價格和優質服務回報您,以一個綠色,低耗和環保的鑄造企業回報社會。 這就是我們“建新鑄造”--專注于鑄鐵平臺行業四十年。
Botou Jianxin Casting Tools Co., Ltd is established in June 1978, and we restructed in August 2004. We are GB/T19001-2008 / ISO 9001:2008 certified organization since October 2005 and leave no stone unturned to achieve total quality in our operations. We are a renowned manufacturer, exporter and distributor of various surface plates and measuring tools in North of China, for example cast iron surface plate, 3D welding table, cast iron surface plate for experiment, cast iron floor plate, cast iron surface plate for CMM, cast iron T-slot surface plate for assembling, cast iron surface plate for inspection and lineation, cast iron T-slot guide rail, cast iron V-block, machinery casting, granite surface plate and measuring tools, etc. They are widely used in machinery manufacture, aerospace industry, automobiles manufacturing, high-speed rail, wind power structure, electric motor, engines manufacturer and so on.
Registered capital is 61,000,000RMB. After extension in July 2012 we get great improvement not only in production equipments, environment protection, and technology innovation but also in qualified personnel and resource management.
Our company covers an area of 84,000 m2; total building area is 52,600 m2. Foundry workshop as well as processing workshop installs largest foundry machines and machine tools which can upgrade the capacity and quality regularly. Our in-house designers devote to innovating designing and development of our products to meet customers’ requirements. Further more, we have built a capacious warehouse where finished products are securely packed and stored.
Our experience and diligence have helped us set up business relationship with customers in different districts and countries. “What we sale is quality, quality is our life”. We’ll try our best to repay you with good quality, competitive price and better service; to repay the society with green, lower cost and eco-friendly foundry corporation. This is JIANXIN CASTING, State of Cast Iron Surface Plate.